Clones (and fakes)
D1 mini – board based on ESP8266
MH-ET LIVE D1 mini pinout, but ESP32 WiFi+Bluetooth
ESP-WROOM-32 + 0.96″ OLED(D-Duino-32 clone)
WiFi module + Bluetooth dual core esp-32s
ESP-Wroom-02 Module With 18650 Battery Charging
Shields with D1 Mini pinout (not original)
DS18B20 temperature sensor
DHT22 Single-bus digital temperature and humidity sensor
Micro SD Storage Expansion Board
BMP180 Digital Barometric Pressure Sensor
SHT30 I2C digital temperature and humidity sensor
TB6612FNG I2C Dual Motor Driver
Shields (the same, but a lot)
10 pcs / DS18B20 Temperature Sensor
10pcs DHT22 Single-bus digital temperature and humidity sensor
10pcs OLED Shield V1.1.0, 0.66″, 64X48, I2C
5pcs SHT30 I2C digital temperature and humidity sensor
5pcs Battery Shield (Lithium Battery Charging Boost With LED Light)
10pcs TB6612FNG I2C Dual Motor Driver Shield